Route 66 Day 3 Albuquerque to Santa Fe to Santa Rosa to Tucumcari


I slept in until about 8 and got some gas at a local place right next to where Frontier was on Route 66. This cool Indian lady stopped and pumped gas and we chatted about the truck and Albuquerque I didn’t realize it was a “big city” but it does have a university. After I got done filling up the truck started right up with no hiccups I thought great. First stop was to see the petroglyphs at Boca Nega Canyon. It seemed weird that it was so close to town and it didn’t dawn on me how close it was. There was literally tracks of homes across the street of where the canyon was!!!!! No ranger but I did my diligence and donated my 1 dollar to go in and climbed the rocks. It was cool to see but Im not sure I would drive all the way to NM just to go see it. It is very small and you could see it all in about an hr. But the fact that I went to go see it. Dad said it wasn’t much and he was right.

Right after that it was off to Santa Fe. There is suppose to be some cool museums to go see and I figure Santa Fe and the rail road… Didn’t see much of the rail road and in fact I didn’t see much of the museums for two reasons 1 they were closed! And two the car wouldn’t start. After I paid 12 bucks to go see one of the museums that had all sorts of stuff Japanese, Middle Eastern, Mexican and Indian, I was impressed. They had a giant room filled with small clay figurines it looked like It’s a Small World in Disney Land but on steroids. They also had a cool exhibit on war rugs from the Middle East which I thought was interesting. Lastly I checked out the Japanese section with their masks and story telling. I spent a good hour or so there walking around. I came out and there was a Prius parked right next to me tons of space all around and he had to park right next to me. I walk out and its an old couple. They live here in Santa Fe and then live up in the North East for the Summers. The old man liked the truck and said he remembered as a kid seeing them when they were brand new, and wanted to hear it start up. I tried to oblige him but the truck did not want to start. I even tapped on the starter but it wouldn’t kick over!! Some city workers were driving by and asked if I needed a jump I said no it should be ok with a few more taps. I was wrong and had to walk over to where they were parked and eating lunch and asked for a jump. They were cool dudes and said sure not a problem!

I was telling the guy in the captains seat that it clicks but normally if I tap the starter it works just fine he said it sounds like heater soak and I said yea im just trying to nurse it to a big city and see if I can get it fixed. He tried starting it while I was tapping and it didn’t do anything. He asked if I had any cables as they didn’t have any. I said I sure do. We connected them and cranked it right over. The driver didn’t even have to raise the rpm. Once we got it running we started talking. He has a 65 Impala that he is redoing and he just finished a 72 chevelle that his son drives. His oldest son likes newer cars but races them. His 65 he is going to do a low rider. Super cool dude. We chatted some more and then he said his lunch time was over so they went on their merry way. Me time to see if I can hit the route 66 car museum in Santa Rosa.

Santa Fe to Santa Rosa is all old 2 lane highway 285 I was scared for a moment that if I broke down I would be there for a few hours. Luckily the truck did well and I made it to i40/r66. Beautiful country just pretty desolate. Once on i40 I got gas along the way but kept it running just in case it was getting hot but I was cruising at 75-80 most of the way until I hit Santa Rosa. I saw the shop and took a chance and shut her down. I paid the 5 bucks because I really wanted to see the COE that they have it’s a silver 50 crew cab chevy with a long long bed on it. Must be around 10-12ft or so. Looks soo clean.  They also had a nomad and a few others for sale. The COE didn’t have a price tag on it so you know it was gonna be expensive. The lady that was doing the cash register also ran Bozos Garage and Wrecker across the street. She said that they should be able to do my starter but I had better hurry as they would be closing down soon. And wouldn’t open up until 7am tomorrow. I hurried over there but they were already closed so I tried to look around and nobody was there to help me or they didn’t want to come out. So I crossed the street again and this time took pictures of cars out front. They had a cool old snow plow out of 50s car and a 20s pick up that was a tow truck.

From Santa Fe to Tucumcari isn’t too far and I know I wanted to stay at the Blue Swallow Motel as its pretty famous for being a retro 50s motel down to everything. I didn’t call ahead but it’s a Tuesday during a pandemic so I am hoping I can get a room. On the outskirts of town they had a Radio Shack. Closed of course, but just to see the sign was pretty cool. I made sure to send it to Dad, Uncle Ed, Bill, Dennis and Mitch because I know they use to love that store. I saw the motel on the westward side so I drove to the end of the Eastern side taking pictures since it was still early. They have a Napa and a Tractor Supply here so hopefully one of them will have a jump box and or starter. 

I drove back to the motel and talked to Dawn. She said she did have a room. I turned off the truck while she showed me the room and we talked about the history of the room. She was very informative. While she was doing that. A guy named Matt was looking at the truck he was on his 37th wedding anniversary and they were from Grass Valley. His wife is from Walnut Creek. Small world. They have been seeing me and the truck since before Winslow. They saw me a few times at the old gas pumps taking pictures. They took a picture of the truck at the Winslow corner store while I was eating lunch. Very cool guy he works for the state as a power utilities guy. He causes the brown outs. As soon as we got done talking a guy in his 70s pulled in with a white Maserati. Dawn and Matt were like 2 opposites young guy old truck, and old guy new car lol.

Once I got the room and paid for it. I asked about places to eat she said the Pow Wow was a pretty good place and so I was going to head there when the truck wouldn’t start again!!!!!!!! Luckily Matt had a jump box, but wouldn’t you know that didn’t help either so he had to bring his Subaru over and jump me which he did graciously. We talked some more and then I ordered food at Pow Wow which was a Mexican Sampler which was huge and very delicious. Tamale, chilireleno  and an enchilada. After I got the food I went to TSC to get a jump box but they were sold out, and Napa was closed. While pulling in Dawn came out and asked if she could take pictures of the truck I said sure!! She didn’t know how to move the old 50s car that was under the sign so I parked behind it. She took a bunch of photos and then took a few of me too which was nice. As I was pulling it away and into the garage a truck pulled in and this hunter and guide came over and the guide was just drooling over the truck he was very impressed. O well I went back to the room and unloaded just my clothes and left everything in the bed. I got to park in the garage which was super cool. I love this place and plan on coming back! I told Dawn that if my dad and I head back on this trip we were going to stop and stay!! I called dad and looked up places. To get it fixed. It looks like Amarillo is the closest big town. He said I should get it fixed there and head home.  I told him if I got it fixed then I was going to finish route 66 why would I head back if they fix the truck?


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